Andreas Klipstein

Head of medicine and reintegration management/ Member of management and Co-owner.
Andreas Klipstein has been a specialist in rheumatology and physical medicine/rehabilitation since 1994. He received a Master of Science in Health Ergonomics (Univ. of Surrey, GB) in 2002. In 2009, he received his doctorate from the University of Zurich in rheumatology and physical medicine/rehabilitation based on a scientific paper on work-related back and neck diseases and in professional rehabilitation. Andreas Klipstein works in management at AEH - Zentrum für Arbeitsmedizin, Ergonomie und Hygiene AG in Zurich and as a lecturer at the University of Zurich in the fields of rheumatology, pain and occupational medicine. His main interests are professional reintegration, occupational medicine problems, musculo-skeletal diseases and insurance medicine. He is a former President of Swiss Insurance Medicine (SIM) and on the board of the Swiss Society for Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (SSPMR), IG Ergonomy of the Swiss Association of Rehabilitation (SAR) and on the Council of EUMASS (European Union of Medicine in Assurance and Social Security). He is co-author of the current assessment guidelines of the Swiss Rheumatology Association. Andreas Klipstein has worked at AEH AG since 1999.