
In order to remain innovative and productive as a company, an ideally designed working environment is essential. Ergonomics are an essential aspect: in designing workstations and their environment and evaluating furniture and the design of work systems. AEH experts will gladly advise you on how to bring your working environment up-to-date. AEH ergonomists are certified as Eur.Erg. by CREE.
AEH analyses the musculoskeletal stresses at work and the fulfilment of legal requirements with suitable and time-tested processes.
Work environment
The work environment is also relevant for the performance, well-being, satisfaction and motivation of staff. Climate, air quality, light, noise and vibrations are important factors.
The lighting situation influences your safety and comfort at your workstation. AEH supports you with the analysis and design.
Work organisation and contents
Strong or unilateral stresses are avoided thanks to thoughtful work processes, while improving the concentration and performance of staff. The key areas are work processes, working time and break regulation, variety of tasks, latitude for action-taking and decision-making and general collaboration.
Staff should also be able to contribute their capabilities to their work. Both excessive and too few demands prevent satisfaction, burden health and should thus be avoided as far as possible. AEH corporate health experts will gladly advise you.
Product design - products and working equipment
When products or working equipment (tools, devices, furniture) are designed ergonomically, the product is adapted to the needs and abilities of the user, so that simple use and the best possible comfort is achieved.
Best Practice: Bed systems
AEH advises Bico, amongst others, as well as the entire Hilding Anders group - one of the leading bed and mattress manufacturers in Europe, in the development of sleeping systems. The relevant dimensions for high quality sleep were developed together, as well as the SleepLab test and development centre.
The AEH corporate health experts verify and audit the test procedure and award it and other high quality product the “AEH+ swiss approved” quality label. We are always available to provide additional information.