Occupational hygiene

Good advice from a single source
Working environments have a big influence on the health and well-being of your staff. Occupational hygiene measures, analyses and evaluates physical (lighting, climate, noise, dust, etc.), chemical (air quality, air contaminants) and biological (moulds, bacteria) influences. AEH experts in particular optimise aspects such as lighting, acoustics, indoor climate, air quality or electromagnetic fields.
Ideal lighting
We examine your stress situation by measuring illumination levels, evaluating glare, light distribution and amount of daylight as well as other factors if necessary (colour of light, flicker frequency, incidence of light).
The right climate
Our measurements of air temperature, air speed, relative humidity and mean radiation temperature allow complaints about an unbearable room climate to be objectified. Our experts take other factors into account during the evaluation, such as air quality, physical activity, etc. By measuring CO2 concentrations, the ventilation situation is also checked. AEH supports you in evaluating the health risk and necessary preventive measures, e.g. for work in cold or hot atmospheres.
As little noise as possible
Loud machines, vehicles and plants, but also impulse-type noises such as explosions, shots or ramming sounds can damage the hearing. In Switzerland, the limit for sound exposure levels is 85 dB(A). This is also relevant for legal maternity protection.
AEH supports you with sound level measurements and other analyses in evaluating noise that could damage hearing or within the framework of a risk evaluation for maternity protection and advises you on possible, necessary preventive measures.
The best possible air quality
Dust and chemical pollutants in the air can influence well-being in the workplace and lead to complaints, illnesses and allergies. In offices, construction materials, paints or furniture can be a source of pollutants. In commercial and industrial fields, air contaminants often result from work processes. AEH offers you a broad range of analysis and measurement procedures for contaminant concentrations in the air.
Measurement of air purity
Bacteria and mould are daily occurrences. Excessive quantities or particularly dangerous varieties can threaten the health of your employees (e.g. visible mould on walls or in ventilation systems). Our measurements of bacteria or mould spore concentrations in the air (airborne germ measurement) allow us to evaluate the pollution of the air by microbiological germs and to evaluate health risks thanks to reference values.
Expert knowledge - lasting performance development
The design of workstations and tools, posture, use of force, mental stress, light, etc. have an important influence on the health, well-being and performance of your team. The AEH corporate health experts are always available to provide comprehensive analysis and advice.