Martin Zurbuchen
Militärstrasse 76
CH-8004 Zürich
T +41 44 240 55 50
CAS in Ergnomy ZHAW / Physiotherapist-Ergonomist
Martin Zurbuchen originally completed a commercial apprenticeship, followed by language and work stays in Lausanne and Boston. After training as a physiotherapist, he worked for around 10 years in various hospitals, including in management positions.
In 2004, he completed a training as a company ergonomist and a CAS in ergonomics at the ZHAW in 2012, followed by the further education module Ergonomic Workplace Assessment in Rehabilitation (APA) at the University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) in 2017.
He works part-time as a physiotherapist in a physiotherapy centre and has been carrying out ergonomics projects (such as workplace assessments, training courses) for AEH on a freelance basis since 2004 in various Swiss companies, particularly in French-speaking Switzerland