Case Management

The AEH Case Management team is at your disposal in an advisory capacity for all insurance law questions and supports the following fields:
- Personal, social questions (finances, housekeeping, family, etc.)
- Professional reintegration (help in finding a job, coordination with employers, work trials, organisation and structuring of work, etc.)
- Medical questions with interdisciplinary treatment measures to determine performance capacity such as “ergonomic workstation assessments” or “function-oriented medical assessments” (FOMA)
The phases of the AEH case management process:
- Getting started: Registration, distribution of assignments and roles
- Assessment: First consultation, standardised interview
- Planning: Goal setting, planning of specific measures
- Realisation: Implementation of measures
- Evaluation: Case end, evaluation of goal achievement and satisfaction
AEH coaching services are intended to maintain peoples' jobs. We support employees in leadership positions with specific coaching services. The reasons for a coaching session are often psychosocial stress in personal, private or professional areas (conflicts, stress, threatening burnout, etc.).
The AEH coach analyses and determines the difficult situation with your staff and develops appropriate solution proposals in the following fields:
- Resource activation
- Problem updating
- Support in problem management
Motivational assessment - understanding conscious or unconscious motives, goals and values more clearly and determining and influencing behavioural tendencies.
Please send the case management registration form to: AEH corporate health experts are available at any time for further questions.